Sunny day on the Atlantic
It doesn’t matter whether global warming is real or not. The way I look at the atmosphere is much like a lake. It is fairly self-sufficient on its own and short term changes are dealt with as long as things go back to normal. But when a short term change becomes the norm the lake changes.
The example I like to use is a bit vulgar but gets the point across. If one person defecates into the lake it isn’t a big problem. The lake can handle the contamination and not impact the rest of the ecosystem. When there are two, still not a problem, but when there are hundreds or even thousands of people all defecating into the lake the impact can be felt across the entire lake. The water becomes contaminated, if not poisonous, and the species that used to rely on the lake either die or move to another lake.
What I see is the burning of fossil fuels and release of large amounts of methane into the atmosphere as the equivalent as defecating in the lake. Whether it will cause global warming or not isn’t the problem. We are literally poisoning the air we breath and not worrying about the future generations that will deal with our ignorance. Just look to the large factory centers in China for an example of how bad things could be if there aren’t any meaningful regulation.
We can add natural cleaning filters by replanting forests and even look towards technological solutions for scrubbing the air. But we can only clean so much before the system is overwhelmed. We have to change our lives, how we make money, and how we grow our food.
As to whether I believe global warming is real or not, I do believe it is real. I find it impossible to believe that you can pump large amounts of energy trapping gasses into the atmosphere for over a hundred years with no increase in ways to remove said gases and expect the planet not to warm.